Monday, June 30, 2008

Why does Uncle Rabbit have the falp so long?

Why does Uncle Rabbit have the flap so long?
Uncle Rabbit was angry because he was small. So, one day he asked the Condor if he can carry him to go with God, and the Condor acepted. When Uncle Rabbit arrived to God, he said:
Why did you make me so small? everybody wants eat me.
And God said:
If you bring me a tiger's skin, and a caiman's skin, I'll make you taller!
Uncle Rabbit acepted, he went to the Uncle Tiger with a rope, and he said:
Help me, a twister is coming, I need you hitch me!
And the Uncle Tiger said:
Really, you hitch me!
Uncle Rabbit did it, and after he hit Uncle Tiger on the head, and kill him. After, he went with the Uncle Caiman, who likes the party a lot, so, Uncle Rabbit said:
I'll go to a party, Do you like to go with me?
And Uncle Caiman as soon as he listened it, he said:
Yes, of course!
On the way Uncle Rabbit simulated he twisted his ankle, and he said:
We need to come back, but Uncle Caiman didn't want, so, he carried Uncle Rabbit.
When that happend, Uncle Rabbit quickly hit Uncle Caiman on the head, and kill him.
After, Uncle Rabbit took off their skin, and he went with God. In the moment God saw this, he enraged, and he said:
With this size you did it, What will you do if I make you taller?
Then, God took Uncle Rabbit for the flap and he stretched it.
Now, you are taller!
1. Don't envy.
2. Don't do bad things.
3. Intelligence is more important than the size or strength.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Interesting story with some good morals!

Advice: You don't need "the" in the last sentence because you're talking about a general situation (not specific).