Saturday, June 21, 2008


When I was a child in my father just worked outside in his job, and my mother was houseworker; she did everything in the house, she wash, cooking, cleand the house, the rooms, took care our animals and plants, even she painted the house sometimes. For us, my brothers and me didn't have to do nothing on the week because we need to work in our school, but just on weekends we had to help in the house, and we can choose what we like to do, for example my older brother liked sweep, organize the house, and mop the floor; my second brother liked cleand the patio, and takes care the dogs; I liked to wash dishes, clean the kitchen, cook, and take care the birds; and my mother wash the clothes, bathrooms and plants; sometimes we washed the cars together, so, we didn't have any differents between my brothers and me, nevertheless my father had because if he needed help in the house he always told me, or if my brothers dirtied someting he told me that I cleaned, but my mother didn't teach me that, so, I always fought with him for this, and at the end I won, now he understand, even he helps more in the house than me.

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