Sunday, July 6, 2008

Notting Hill

Notting Hill
I like this story, I think is interesting because I wanted to know what happen in the next chapter. I like the book because it is easy to understand, and the chapter are short. Also, I could read very fast and follow the story. In addition, it is very funny, and zestful. Maybe the story it is not very realistic, but I think this kind of story makes that you can belive in the love, and feel hope about it. On the other hand, I enjoyed more the movie than the book, maybe it is because for me it easyer concentrate. When I read the book, I thought Anna was a bad person, I didn't like her, I imagine her like a rud person, and unsensible. Nevertheless, When I see the movie, I could see her like good person, with fear, with normal problems like everybody. My best part is when she told him: "I'm also just a girl. Standing in front a boy. Asking him to love her". I think, whit this phrase she said all her feel, and she put the Willian's hands the events in the future because now it's his decision.


Jeff said...

I agree with your opinion. It's not realistic, but it's funny!

Advice: use make+object+base form (I think this kind of story makes you believe in love)

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