Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Favorite Place in the World

My Favorite Place in the World
I don't know many place, I have traveled some place, but I think it doesnt matter becuse my favorite place in the world is a little peace of earth in the Cojedes State, in Venezuela. This peace was our farm, we needed to sell about 3 months ago, due problems created for the goberment of my country. I had part of my childhood there, and I think it influenced my personality. I remember all my family and me go there every week, when I was a child; sometimes we were there for weeks. We didn't have technology in that age, we didn't have electricity and we took the water of the river, after the technology came and we had electricity and telephon, but I think it's the reason for this place was so perfect for us and the visit. Here you can isolated of the live in the city because you didn't listen nois, you cuoldn't wacth and undertand the domestic and wild animals. We raised water bufalo and cow; in this place you can learne about the life in farm, how are the cowboy in my country and many things, for example, the music, the food, and customs are so different than the city. We did many activitys outside like ride horse, fish, hiking, watch animals, and many other. Maybe, I can't explain that I feel when I remembre that and how I wish to come back almost one day, I just know that the people visited this place told the same thing, and I know, it doesn't matter how many place I'll visit for me the best place in the world will be always my farm "Cano Seco" .


Margarita said...

Maria: I like too Cojedes State, I remember when I studied in University and many of my field practice was in El Baul. I like this time and Cojedes. I have feel very sad for less of the “Hato Pinero” is really a less for environment.

Juan M. Echeverri said...

Wow... You really love this place... I hope some day you can return there... Perhaps when Chavez goes out from Venezuela...