Sunday, July 13, 2008

Diet and Health

Diet and Health
I don't like doing diet to lose weight. When I was about 19 or 20 I did some diet, nothing very strict, and this worked. In point of fact, I tryed on a few famous products and miraculous machines. Nervertheless, when I stoped I gained weight again, so, in my experience I think, this don't work. The only thing that works, it's changing your mind!
I have a sick in my kidneys since 5 years, and for this reason I need to do diet the rest of my life. In the begining it was very difficult because I didn't accept, inclusive, I didn't talk about it, but I accepted now. My diet is not to lose weigth, it's low in animal protein, I can't eat red meat, low salt, nothing with preservative, and other things. In the other hand, I can eat carbohydrates, but not to much because I can't have overweight, and it's bad for my body, of course. So, the best food for me it's veggy and fruit, but it's a little difuccult because I don't like to much. I needed change my mind, and, I learned how eat it; for example: I cook my vegetables, and I love it with tomato sauce or chees. Also, I try to oblige myself to eat the furts that I like, in juice, desserts or along. In addition, I eat a lot of chiken, and the only carbohidydrat that I eat almost one time per week it's pasta because it's my favorite food. The other kind of carbohydrats like dessert and potatos I eat just sometimes, when I really want. Aditionally, I try never eat junk food, maybe a chikenburger one time each 2 or 3 months. I just drink water and natural juice. I can't drink to much alcohol, so, that I do, I just drink in socilly moments. However, If I really, really, really want to eat someting that I can't, I eat a litlle bit, just to taste, and I know it's enought for me.
When I want to lose weight, I fallow my diet, but I try to eat less for dinner, I don't drink acohol, and I don't eat junk food. In addition, I workout everyday 1 hour, and I dance latin music and do Fight Combat 1 day per week, and Yoga 2 days per week, 1 hour each activity. When I find the weight that I want I fallow my normal diet for my kidneys, and I practice yoga, dance, and fight combat how always, sometimes I go to walk too.
Nevertheless, in Canada is a little dificult for me because the food is different, and I try to fallow my normal diet, but sometimes I don't have to much time, so, I eat more frecuently junk food here than my country. Also, I try to walk and practice Yoga but it's not regularly, I dance latin music just sometimes with my friends and I don't practice Fight Combat because I don't have my trainers. I need to lose weight again because I have earned weigth anew here.
With this rules I have found the weight that I need and more if I want, also, I can have almost my ideal weight everytime. For this experience in my life, I say that for lose weigth, you need to change your mind first!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Notting Hill

Notting Hill
I like this story, I think is interesting because I wanted to know what happen in the next chapter. I like the book because it is easy to understand, and the chapter are short. Also, I could read very fast and follow the story. In addition, it is very funny, and zestful. Maybe the story it is not very realistic, but I think this kind of story makes that you can belive in the love, and feel hope about it. On the other hand, I enjoyed more the movie than the book, maybe it is because for me it easyer concentrate. When I read the book, I thought Anna was a bad person, I didn't like her, I imagine her like a rud person, and unsensible. Nevertheless, When I see the movie, I could see her like good person, with fear, with normal problems like everybody. My best part is when she told him: "I'm also just a girl. Standing in front a boy. Asking him to love her". I think, whit this phrase she said all her feel, and she put the Willian's hands the events in the future because now it's his decision.